Sid + Quinn

I met Sid last year shooting for a commercial client; she was my delightful model and we became fast friends. She has an incredibly warm and beautiful aura all around her, and she absolutely glows when she is with her partner Quinn. I knew I had to capture the essence of their love in all its splendour and youthfulness. I had been wanting to shoot at sunset, and more so at ‘blue hour’ right before the sun completely leaves the sky. I got to let loose and be super creative during this shoot, Sid and Quinn had no problem being completely at ease and were pretty happy frolicking about being completely in love! I shot on both colour and black and white 35mm film, as well as on digital using my new Tilt-shift lens which I am now utterly obsessed with! It’s a great way of shooting digital and having it feel more like film, given the manual focus and sought after blur.

I hope you enjoy this blog story, leave me a comment at the end if you like it!